Registration & Processing Fee will be accepted only through the Online Payment Gateway. No request for any other mode of payment will be entertained. Registration Forms submitted without payment being made online will be rejected outright, as Registration Number will not get generated. No communication regarding payment of Registration & Processing Fee will be entertained or replied to.
Ensure that your Email ID(s) and Mobile Phone Number(s) are valid and correctly entered in the Registration Form.
Registration & Processing Fee is not refundable.
Read all instructions and guidelines carefully BEFORE attempting to fill up the Registration Form. Also read the Terms and Conditions of Online Payment before proceeding to pay. Upon successful submission of Registration Form and online payment of Registration & Processing Fee, an email and an SMS will automatically be sent to you. The email will mention the Registration Number of your ward. However, details and schedule of the Introduction Session will be sent through email separately by the timeline mentioned in the email.
Both parents, along with the candidate, must be present for the Introduction Session. Please be prepared to wait a while for your turn, in case there is an unforeseen delay.
Information regarding Introduction Session for those appearing in online mode shall be sent in a separate email.
Parents must not prompt the child during the Introduction Session.
Absence at the Introduction Session will result in cancellation of Registration and forfeiture of Registration & Processing Fee.
If your child is seeking admission to Class VI – IX, an Admission Assessment will also be conducted. The questions in the Admission Assessment will be based on the NCERT syllabus of the class previous to the one to which admission is sought. The Admission Assessment will be conducted to examine the proficiency and knowledge of the child in four subjects, viz., English, Hindi, Maths and Science. Details of the Admission Assessment will be sent through email separately as per the timeline mentioned in the email sent after Registration & Processing Fee is paid.
Do also note that Registration & Processing Fee is not refundable even if your child is not selected for admission.
The decision of the school with regard to admissions will be final and binding. Any recommendation from any source, whatsoever, will result in immediate cancellation of your ward's candidature from the admissions process.