Dear Parent / Guardian,
We thank you for expressing interest in applying for admission of your child to Delhi Public School Coimbatore. At the very outset, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that Registration Forms are available only on the school’s website. Forms filled-up completely, correctly and in all respects must be submitted online. Payment of Registration & Processing Fee also has to be made through the Online Payment Gateway. Please read the ‘Guidelines on Making Online Payment’ before attempting to fill up the Registration Form.
If, at any stage during the Admissions Process, or even after the child has been admitted, it is discovered that any information / document provided by the parent/guardian, or any claim is false/incorrect, appropriate action may be taken, which may include asking for withdrawal of the child from the school.
Please also open, and go through, the other admission-related information links on this page before attempting to fill-up the Registration Form.
We wish to emphasise that mere acceptance/submission of the Online Registration Form is not a guarantee for admission to any class. As you would be aware, admission is granted to children, based on the number of available seats, as well as the Weightage Points scored as per published norms.
The Registration Form is easy to fill and submit. A softcopy of the submitted Form will be sent in an email. If you wish to print the Form for your records, you can do so upon receipt of the email.
Read carefully the instructions given below, before filling the Registration Form.
General Instructions
- Fields marked with a Star (*) are MANDATORY.
- Do not prefix/suffix any data with blank spaces. (Do not press spacebar before or after an entry.)
- No quotation marks or special characters must be used.
- The following documents should be scanned (in JPEG or PNG formats only) as per the specifications given below and kept ready before starting the process of filling up the Registration Form. Files in PDF formats will not be accepted / uploaded.
- Candidate’s recent (not more than 2 months) passport-size photograph (showing close-up of only the face; max. 150 KB)
- Father’s passport-size photograph (showing close-up of only the face; max. 150 KB)
- Mother’s passport-size photograph (showing close-up of only the face; max. 150 KB)
- Date of Birth Certificate of the Candidate (max. 350 KB)
- Address Proof (max. 200 KB)
- Caste (SC/ST/OBC) Certificate (max. 200 KB)
- Candidate’s Aadhaar Card, if available (Max. 200 KB)
- If applying for Class II and above, last academic session’s final report card (max. 200 KB)
- If applying for Class II and above, current academic session’s Semester 1 / Half-Yearly Report Card (max. 200 KB)
- If applying for Class II and above, bonafide certificate from current school (max. 200 KB)
Process for uploading documents / photographs
- Click a photograph as per the given specifications and save it in your computer / laptop as a jpeg or png file.
- No scanned photographs will be accepted.
- There are specific links on the form to upload documents / photographs.
- Click on “Browse” and select the location where the photograph / scanned file had been saved.
- Select the file by clicking on it.
Filling-Up the Registration Form
This is a step-by-step guide, with explanations, wherever necessary, on how to fill-up the Registration Form online. The fields in the Registration Form appear in the same order as given below. Compulsory Fields are marked with a Star (*).
Field |
What to Fill Up |
Sibling Detail |
Sibling |
Click on Sibling and fill in the Admission Number of own brother/sister (not cousin/s) who is currently studying in the school. For instance: A-0001-21. SOME FIELDS WILL GET POPULATED ONCE YOU SELECT THE SIBLING. THESE FIELDS ARE UNEDITABLE. |
Sibling Name |
Will automatically get filled if a valid Admission Number is entered. |
Sibling Class |
Will automatically get filled if a valid Admission Number is entered. |
Application Form Information |
* Candidate’s photo |
Colour passport-size photograph in jpeg format as per following specifications, to be uploaded.
* Class Applied For |
Select the Class appropriate for your ward. (Refer ‘Age Criteria’). [You will be able to select from only the classes which have been opened for admission in this phase.] |
Candidate’s Personal Information |
* First Name |
Enter correct First Name, as per Birth Certificate. |
Middle Name |
Fill your child’s Middle Name here. Leave Blank if your child does not have a Middle Name. |
Last Name |
Fill your child’s Surname here. Leave Blank if your child does not have a Last Name. |
* Date of Birth |
Click on the calendar and select the date of birth of your ward. (Refer ‘Age Criteria’) Age as on 31-03-2025 will get calculated automatically. |
* D.O.B. Certificate No. |
Enter the Date of Birth Certificate No. of your ward. |
* Email for communication |
Enter a valid email ID correctly. You must Verify it using the link given alongside the field. (Emails will be sent to this ID. If wrong, no communication will be received by you.) |
Aadhaar No. |
Not Mandatory. Enter the Aadhaar No. of your child if available, else leave blank. |
* Nationality |
Enter your child’s Nationality. |
* Mobile No. (for communication) |
Enter the 10-digit mobile number. You must Verify it using the link given alongside the field. (SMSes will be sent to this number. If wrong, no SMS will be received by you.) |
Landline No. |
Fill the landline number. |
* Gender |
Select from the drop-down. |
* Address |
Mention complete local residential address. (This uneditable field will get filled automatically in case of a sibling.) |
* City |
Enter your City, as per the address provided above. |
* State |
Enter the State corresponding to the City mentioned above. |
* Country |
Enter the Country as per above information. |
* PIN |
Enter 6-digit Postal Index Number. |
State of Domicile |
Fill as appropriate. |
* Category |
Select from the drop-down options. |
* Religion |
Choose the appropriate option from the drop-down list. |
Any medical condition requiring School’s special attention |
Write what you want the school to know about your child’s special medical condition, if any. |
Remarks |
Enter appropriate comments, if any. |
Corresponding Relative |
Choose from “Father” or “Mother”. (for correspondence) |
School Transport Required |
Click on the box if you want school transport for your ward. (Refer link titled ‘School Transport’ and also read Information about School Transport.) |
Preference |
If you choose School Transport, select the bus stop nearest to your residence. (Refer to the bus stops listed under the link titled ‘School Transport’. Do not select a bus stop from the drop-down if it does not appear in the former.) |
Father’s Detail |
* Father Photo |
Colour passport-size photograph in jpeg format as per the specifications mentioned under Candidate’s photograph, to be uploaded. (size limit 150 KB) |
* First Name |
Enter correct First Name of father. |
Middle Name |
Leave Blank if father does not have a Middle Name. |
Last Name |
Fill father’s Surname here. Leave Blank if he does not have a Last Name. |
* Email ID |
Enter father’s valid email ID correctly. |
* Mobile Number |
Enter 10-digit mobile number of father. |
Landline Number |
Enter the landline number of father. |
* Occupation |
Select appropriate from the drop-down list. |
* Organisation |
Enter the organisation’s name for which the father works. |
* Office Address |
Enter the office address of the father. |
* Qualification |
Select the highest educational qualification of the father from the drop-down list. |
Area of Specialisation |
You have to enter your area of specialisation in education. A few examples are given below.
* Designation |
Enter the father’s designation in office. |
* Annual Income (in Rupees) |
Enter father’s annual income in Rupees. |
Mother’s Detail |
* Mother Photo |
Colour passport-size photograph in jpeg format as per the specifications mentioned under Candidate’s photograph, to be uploaded. (size limit 150 KB) |
* First Name |
Enter correct name of mother. |
Middle Name |
Leave Blank if mother does not have a Middle Name. |
Last Name |
Fill mother’s Surname here. Leave Blank if she does not have a Last Name. |
* Email ID |
Enter mother’s valid email ID correctly. |
* Mobile Number |
Enter 10-digit mobile number of mother. |
Landline Number |
Enter the landline number of mother. |
* Occupation |
Select appropriate from the drop-down list. |
* Organisation |
Enter the organisation’s name for which the mother works. |
* Office Address |
Enter the office address of the mother. |
* Qualification |
Select the highest educational qualification of the mother from the drop-down list. |
Area of Specialisation |
You have to enter your area of educational specialisation. A few examples are given below.
* Designation |
Enter the mother’s designation in office. |
* Annual Income (in Rupees) |
Enter mother’s annual income in Rupees. |
* No. of Son(s) |
Enter as appropriate (in figures). |
* No. of Daughter(s) |
Enter as appropriate (in figures). |
Additional Information |
Present Class |
Enter appropriate information. |
Present School Name |
Fill in the name of the school your child is attending (if applicable). |
Board Name |
Select the Board, if your child is a candidate for Class II and above. |
Source of Information |
Select appropriate option from the dropdown box. (How you got to know about admissions process in this school?) |
Personal Education Number (PEN) |
PEN is generated by all schools for each student. You will need to take this number from your ward’s previous school, if applying for admission to Class II and above. |
Documents (to be uploaded) |
* Birth Certificate |
Scanned jpeg or png image of Date of Birth certificate to be uploaded in A4 size. (size limit 350 KB) |
* Address Proof |
Upload your address proof. (size limit 200 KB) – This will be used to ascertain your selection of school transport / bus stop. |
Caste Certificate |
If belonging to SC/ST/OBC, upload child or father’s certificate (size limit 200 KB). |
Student’s Aadhaar Card |
Upload if available (size limit 200 KB). |
* Last Year Report Card |
Mandatory if applying for admission to Class II and above (size limit 200 KB). |
* Current Semester Report Card |
Mandatory if applying for admission to Class II and above (size limit 200 KB). Semester 1 / Half-Yearly Report Card should be uploaded. |
* Bonafide Certificate from School |
Mandatory if applying for admission to Class II and above (size limit 200 KB). |
Note - In absence of above-mentioned last three documents, if applying for Class I and below, you may upload an A4 size paper with a note mentioning reason for non-availability of the required documents. This however does not apply for other documents. |
Subsequent Steps
1. After the Registration Form has been filled up, you must read the Declaration and the “Terms and Conditions for Online Registration”, which opens in a new window.
2. Return to the Form window to “Agree” and click on “Proceed to Pay”.
3. An SMS as well as an email will be sent automatically. The email will also have, as an attachment, a softcopy of the filled-up Form, which may be printed (optional) for your records.
4. Clicking on “Proceed to Pay” will take you to the Payment Gateway page. Please ensure you have read thoroughly the ‘Guidelines on Making Online Payment’ before attempting payment of Registration & Processing Fee.
5. After successful payment, you will get an SMS as well as an Email message containing–
- The Registration No. allotted to your ward.
- A copy of the Application Form, with the Registration Number mentioned above the candidate’s photograph.
- Other relevant details pertaining to scheduling of the Introduction Session.
6. If no SMS/Email is received within 24 hours from successful registration and payment, you must check your Junk/Spam folder and also recheck that you filled up the correct email ID and mobile number in the Form. If you still find that no SMS/Email has been received, you should write to Subject of the email should necessarily contain Application Form Number, Name of the Candidate and Class Applied For.
If, at any stage in the Online Registration / Payment Process, a difficulty is encountered, please re-read all the Guidelines and FAQs before writing to
Best wishes,
Team DPS