Enquiries for admission to classes Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Preparatory, I and II to IX may be sent by filling up the Admission Enquiry Form given in the link below.

Before attempting to fill up the Admission Enquiry Form, do ensure that you read and understand all information given in the various links below.

Eligible candidates, and basis vacancies in various classes, parents will be informed about further process of Registration in due course.

Age Criteria for classes Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Preparatory, I and II will not be relaxed under any circumstances. Requests for relaxation in the age criteria will not be responded to.

Your ward will be eligible for admission to Class III - IX only if s/he is presently studying in the class previous to one which is being applied for. There are no age criteria for admission to Classes III - IX.

Introduction Session will be conducted in physical mode, requiring the candidate and parents to visit the school office on the designated date.

An Admission Assessment for candidates seeking admission to Classes VI – IX is a part of the Introduction Session. This too will be conducted physically at the school campus.

You are requested to read all information given under the various links below. If you still have a query that has not been addressed on this website, do write to us on admissions@dpscoimbatore.com.


Age Criteria School Timings
Fee Structure School Transport
Important Information - Transport and Fees Admission Enquiry Form

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