Takshila Educational Society believes strongly in Corporate Social Responsibility. This aspect is manifested through several of its outreach activities which are carried out through DPS Patna, Pune and Ludhiana. To promote and sustain India's rich cultural heritage and folk art, DPS Coimbatore assists Takshila in conducting Ninad. Ninad is an activity that provides a platform to local veteran artists, as well as young, up-coming ones to showcase their achievements and talents. Ninad also felicitates personalities and achievers cutting across genres and has in the past recognised and saluted poets, theatre persons, thinkers, musicians, and craftsmen of the city and its surrounding areas. In addition, TES retains a close association with SPIC MACAY and regularly hosts Virasat and School Intensives and other events at its schools.

From its inception, DPS Coimbatore strives to make its students aware of the importance of being a responsible 'eco-citizen'. Past efforts by TES have seen the very successful drives for reducing and banning the use of cheap and environmentally hazardous plastic bags and for banning firecrackers on Diwali. We constantly encourage students to reuse-recycle-reduce materials made from natural resources. Through various events and activities, students are encouraged to take proactive steps in helping reduce carbon emission and preserving the local ecosystem.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." Thus this year students are learning and practicing a lot of “Volunteer Work”. While volunteer work doesn't pay monetarily, the benefits they stand to receive are overwhelming. In our ‘Life and Thinking Skills’ project- La Benelovat, our students at Patna, Pune and Ludhiana have been reaching out to the following disparate sections of society and lending them not only a helping hand but also bringing cheer into their life.

1. An orphanage
2. An Old Age Home
3. An Organization for Special needs individuals (Deaf & Mute/ Autism/ Down’s Syndrome/ Cerebral Palsy/ any other)
4. A Cancer support Centre
5. Junior Red Cross Society
6. Blue Cross Society
7. Development of Slum area near your House
8. Educating Street Children
9. An Environmental Cause

The purpose of this project is as is to sensitize our students to those in our world who are not as fortunate as us. DPS Coimbatore continues to take this precedence ahead.

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