1. If I am unable to fill the Registration Form online, can the school be of help?
The online filling up of the form has been adopted to prevent you from standing in long queues and fill it up at a time of your convenience. In case you are unable to do so, it is suggested that you take help from someone who is technically sound. You only need to have a stable internet connection. Moreover, the process of filling up the Form is very simple and our website has “Guidelines on Filling up the Registration Form”. Read all information under the ‘Admissions’ module carefully before attempting to fill the Registration Form.
2. If, after submitting the Form, I am unable to make the payment online, will my Form be considered valid?
No, the Form will be validated and accepted only after the Registration & Processing Fee is paid online through the Payment Gateway. Ensure that you have read carefully and understood the “Guidelines on Making Online Payment”, before attempting to fill up the Form. No requests for any other mode of payment will be considered.
In case there is a break in internet connectivity or a problem is encountered during the online payment process, you may go back to the “Registration Form” page and click on “Proceed for Payment if Registration Form already filled”. On the page that opens, you have to enter the Application Form Number received on email and SMS earlier.
3. If payment is made multiple times against the same Form Number by mistake, how will I get a refund?
You should wait to ensure that the amount has not been returned to your card/account before attempting to pay again. If, by mistake, you have paid twice for the same candidate, you need to wait for the amount to be credited back into your account by the banking system. If no credit is received within seven working days, you need to write to admissions@dpspcoimbatore.com mentioning the Registration Number, Name of the Candidate, Date of Birth, Parent’s Name, Class Applied For and Date on which Application Form was submitted online. Refund of the excess amount paid will be processed, on due verification of the amount received, after the end of the admissions process. Do remember that Registration & Processing Fee is non-refundable and once paid, irrespective of whether your ward is selected for admission or not, the Registration & Processing Fee will not be returned.
4. If, due to some reason I am unable to take a printout of the Form, which has been duly submitted online, what should I do?
You are NOT required to print the Registration Form. Printing the filled up Registration Form is optional. In case you wish to retain a copy of the filled up Form, the email sent to you after submission of the Form will have, as an attachment, a copy of the filled-up Form.
5. Will cousins be considered as siblings?
No, only own (real) brothers and sisters are considered as siblings. If, at any time, during the admissions process, you are found to have submitted wrong information – even if mistakenly – your ward will be rejected from the registration / admission (if selected) process.
6. Can I apply for online Introduction Session if my ward stays in the same city where the School is located?
No, Online Introduction Session shall be allowed ONLY in case your ward and family reside in a different city and are unable to visit the school for the Introduction Session. This facility will not be available if one of the parents resides in another city.
7. If, due to unavoidable circumstances, I am unable to appear for the Introduction Session at the allotted date and time, can it be rescheduled?
No alteration or rescheduling of the Introduction Session is allowed. Absence at the allotted date and time of Introduction Session will result in cancellation of the candidate’s name from all further processes and forfeiture of Registration & Processing Fee. Requests for change in date and/or time of Introduction Session will not be entertained at all. Such emails will not be responded to.
8. If, due to circumstances beyond our control, I am unable to appear at the Introduction Session at the allotted date and time, will the Registration Number be considered valid for the next phase of admissions?
No, Registration of a candidate gets cancelled if the candidate / parents are absent at any of the processes of admission. No further correspondence is entertained. It is reiterated that Registration & Processing Fee, once paid, is not refundable, irrespective of whether the candidate is present or absent during the admissions process.
9. Is the physical presence of the candidate and / or parents necessary during the admission process?
Both parents and candidate are required to be present for the physical Introduction Session at the school office. However, if your ward is selected for admission, only the parents will be required to visit the school office to complete the admission formalities.
10. How can I upload the photographs?
There are two ways to upload a photograph.
• Click a photograph as per the given specifications and save it on your computer as a .jpeg image (size limit 150 KB).
• There are specific links on the Form to upload the photographs.
• Click on “Browse” and select the location where the scanned photograph / image file has been saved.
• Select the file by clicking on it.
11. How can I upload the other documents?
a) Date of Birth Certificate
b) Address Proof
c) Caste Certificate (if applicable)
d) Student’s Aadhaar Card (not mandatory)
e) Last Academic Session’s Report Card (if applying to Class II and above)
f) Current Academic Session’s Semester Report Card (if applying to Class II and above)
g) Bonafide Certificate from Current School (if applying to Class II and above)
• Scan the document and save it on your computer as a .jpeg or .png file (size limit for each file – 200 KB).
• Files in PDF formats will not be accepted / uploaded.
• Using the link given on the form, upload the scanned documents.
• To locate the saved .jpeg or .png file, click on “Browse” and select the location where the scanned file was saved.
• Select the file by clicking on it.
12. I do not possess three documents – Last Academic Session’s Report Card, Current Academic Session’s Semester Report Card and Bonafide Certificate from Current School, as my ward studies in Nursery or Preparatory. How do I proceed to submit the form?
In the absence of the above-mentioned documents, you must upload an A4 size paper with a note mentioning reason for non-availability of the required documents. This however does not apply for other mandatory documents like Birth Certificate and Address Proof.
13. If, while filling up the Form I have missed out on any detail or made a mistake, can I complete / alter that field later? Can I make any change in the data submitted online at a later stage?
Once submitted and online payment made, no alterations/changes, howsoever minor, will be allowed on the Registration Form. The submitted Form cannot be retrieved to make changes, hence such requests will go unanswered. It is expected that all information given under ‘Admissions’ module on the school website be thoroughly read and understood, before the Form is filled, to avoid any mistakes.
14.In case I do not receive the SMS / Email after submitting the Registration Form and making payment successfully (amount debited from my card/account), what should I do?
If no SMS/email is received within 24 hours from successful registration and payment, you must check your Junk/Spam folder and also recheck that you filled up the correct email ID and mobile number in the Form. If you still find that no SMS/email has been received, you should write to admissions@dpscoimbatore.com. Subject of the email should necessarily contain the Application Form Number, Name of the Candidate and Class Applied For.
Both, the SMS and the email, sent immediately after successful payment of Registration Fee will mention the Registration Number.
15. In case I do not have all documents ready for uploading, can I be allowed to send them separately by email later?
No extension of time will be given to fulfill deficiency in documents sought by the school at any stage of the admissions process. The uploaded copies of the original documents will be verified with the originals at a later stage. Registration of the candidate will be summarily cancelled in the absence of prescribed documents. Ensure that all uploaded documents are legible and of a good print resolution.
16. Is the age criteria being followed very rigidly? Can any grace period be given to a child whose age falls short of, or exceeds, by just a few days?
Age criteria are strictly adhered to. Even a day’s difference is not acceptable. This is to facilitate a fair and just admissions process and as per prescribed norms of NEP.
17. Can I submit any other document as proof of date of birth, contrary to what is prescribed?
No, only the Date of Birth Certificate issued by a Municipal Corporation / Panchayat / Local Government Authority will be accepted. In case the original is not available, please get a duplicate copy issued from the issuing authority and upload it in the Registration Form. Date of Birth certificate issued by a Doctor / Nursing Home / Hospital or an Affidavit / Passport / Aadhaar Card are not acceptable. No extension of time will be granted for submission of the Birth Certificate.
18. If my ward falls under the category of SC/ST/OBC, but does not have a certificate in his/her name, can the certificate of father be submitted as a proof?
Yes, father’s caste certificate can be uploaded as a supporting document but the caste certificate for the child needs to be submitted within three months, if admission is granted.
19. I am going to be transferred to your city later, but before the commencement of your school’s next academic session, hence I have still not rented a house. How can I give you my preference of Transport? OR
I intend to change my residence to a locality in the vicinity of the school, if my child is granted admission. Which address should I fill up?
For this you need to make a decision and select your preferred locality right now. You will need to show us a proof of your residence, as prescribed, at the time of Admission. Change requests from school transport to supervision or vice-versa, after admission, (if granted) will not be entertained, and the admission will likely be cancelled.
20. Is there any special quota for NRI / OCI children?
NRI / OCI children are treated at par with other children during the admissions process. There is no special consideration, nor preference given to an NRI / OCI candidate.
21. If my address changes in the future, what will be the procedure to update the same in school records?
You will need to contact the school office with all relevant documents as evidence of your changed residence.
22. If I have opted for School Transport and chosen a Bus Stop for my child, can I request a change to Supervision or make my child board from a different bus stop, during / after admission?
If you want to change your bus stop or opt for ‘Supervision’, it implies that the Residence Address filled up, and the proof submitted by you in the Registration Form was incorrect. Your child will have to use the bus stop opted for, at the time of Registration, for at least one full academic session, if granted admission, and neither can commuting under own supervision be allowed. Please do not approach the school with any such requests as these will be rejected outright.
23. What is the process of fee collection through NACH mandate?
Fees are collected by the school on bi-monthly basis through a document called the National Automated Clearing House (NACH) Mandate, which is given by the parent at the time of final admission. This e-NACH mandate, submitted online through our school ERP, by the account holder, is registered with National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). The e-NACH Mandate has to be mandatorily submitted before the completion of the final admissions process. A separate email is sent to parents who pay the prescribed fees towards admission of the child.
24. How do I communicate with the school during the admissions process?
It is strongly advised that you write to the school on admissions@dpscoimbatore.com mentioning the Application Form Number, Registration Number, Name of the Candidate, Parent’s Name, Date of Birth, Class Applied For and Date on which Application was submitted online. Subject of the email should necessarily contain Application Form Number, Name of the Candidate & Class Applied For. No admission-related queries will be entertained over the telephone or in person by visiting the school.
25. How will I be informed about the Introduction Session and Admission Result?
All communication from the school during the admissions process will be through email and SMS. Parents will be intimated about the Admission Results through email as well as SMS on the scheduled date. Any request for the result to be intimated separately through email, telephone or in person will neither be entertained nor responded to.
26. Can my child be transferred from one DPS to another?
There is no system of automatic admission from one DPS to another, since the ownership and managements generally differ. All rules of admission of the school you are seeking admission to need to be complied with in toto. However, other parameters remaining equal, a student from another DPS has an edge at the time of admission.
Do note that “Supervision” is allowed only from the areas/localities specified. Also note that “Supervision” will be allowed only by own private vehicle or by a commercial vehicle authorised by the appropriate government authority to transport school-children. The school actively discourages violation of law and safety norms for school-children and advises parents to be careful in choosing transport for their children.